560 Pentecost Reversing Babel (Sean Finnegan)

Pentecost, as described in Acts 2, was a strange event. We read about unusual miraculous signs such as the sound of a great wind and tongues of fire. Still, the most interesting moment is when the apostles of our Lord began speaking in foreign languages that they didn’t know. Such divine utterance is called speaking in tongues and everyone, it seems, has an opinion about it. But, have you ever asked yourself why?

God is launching the church to go into Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Christ pours out the spirit to enable them to be his witnesses. OK. But, why have them speak in foreign languages? Now, this can’t just be a nifty trick to grab people’s attention, though it certainly did that. Join me as we consider the Old Testament background to Pentecost, which I believe goes all the way back to Babel when God originally confused the languages.

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