Saint Patrick is one of the most courageous missionaries of Christian history. Although revelers mark his day with debauchery and drunkenness, he pursued holiness and risked his life to preach to the Irish barbarians. He held out to the ancient Irish tribes a promise of protection from their gods and demons, if only they would come to Christ. Not only is he an example of virtue and courage, he also shows how far forgiving and loving our enemies can go. After patiently waiting for years for his non-missionary-minded church to send him, he got to preach to the very people who had kidnapped and enslaved him as a teenager. Learn who the real St. Patrick was and how his life can inspire you to live for Christ in our post-Christian society today.
- Sources I used for research on Saint Patrick
- How the Irish Saved Civilization by Thomas Cahill
- Let Me Die in Ireland by David Bercot
- Confessio by St. Patrick
- Intro music: “District Four” by Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License.
Hi Sean, I’m curious on how a Christian Biblical Unitarian could esteem/observe St. Patrick’s Day while regarding Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God. Catholics & other trinitarians celebrate Patrick as the one who brought the faith of the triune god to Ireland, which we both know is just another idol, invented in the minds of men in 381 A.D. You mentioned that he was very brave & had courage, but many unbelievers have had these traits as well. Your thoughts?
Hello Bvenski. I can esteem any day I like (Rom 14.5-6). I admire Patrick for his persistence and courage. I do not agree with all his beliefs, but I do count him a brother in Christ. Having the right beliefs is important, but it’s not everything. Bringing Christianity, even a mutated form, to the savage pagans of Ireland was a huge step forward.