373 Postmodernism 4: Cross-Cultural Conversations

Today in our fourth and final part of our series on postmodernism Pastor Jacob Ballard explains four key guidelines for cross-cultural ministry. Always change the language, but never change the message Exchange meta-narrative for personal narrative or community narrative Exchange certainty for humility, clues, hints, and mysteries Exchange absolutist morality for personal accountability and communal Read more about 373 Postmodernism 4: Cross-Cultural Conversations[…]

108 Indigenous Missionaries (Sean Finnegan)

Are you a missionary? Although we typically think of missionaries as those who travel to foreign lands to share the gospel with people, the simple fact is that we are all called to the work of sharing the gospel.  Furthermore, as HeartCry Missionary Society points out, indigenous missionaries have huge advantages over foreign missionaries since Read more about 108 Indigenous Missionaries (Sean Finnegan)[…]