Interview 27: Understanding Proverbs (Jerry Wierwille)

What do you know about the book of Proverbs?  It can be quite difficult to understand what’s going on without some knowledge of how Hebrew poetry works.  In this episode Jerry Wierwille, serves as our guide to get a better grip on what Proverbs is all about.  He explains the poetic structures, general approach, and Read more about Interview 27: Understanding Proverbs (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

Off Script 14: Should Christians Watch Horror Movies?

Horror movies inspire fear, causing our hearts to beat faster and our adrenaline to flow.  Their monsters, murder, and jump scares have won them a dedicated following.  In this episode, we discuss whether Christians have any business watching horror movies.  We talk about where to draw the line and what exactly is problematic about this Read more about Off Script 14: Should Christians Watch Horror Movies?[…]

Interview 2: Jerry Wierwille on Hermeneutics

Have you ever struggled to interpret the bible?  Although many today think only professionals who are trained in seminaries can understand the bible, the truth is that every reader is a theologian to some degree.  The moment you pick up the book and begin reading, you also begin interpreting what you read.  The only question Read more about Interview 2: Jerry Wierwille on Hermeneutics[…]