369 Civil Discourse (Peter Miano)

Have you noticed the shrill tone that permeates public discourse in our time? It seems like everyone is on a hairpin trigger ready to rage and vent at their ideological enemies. What is a Christian to do? Should we stand up for our beliefs, morals, and politics? Should we disengage from conversation about controversial issues? Read more about 369 Civil Discourse (Peter Miano)[…]

Interview 13: Caring Enough to Confront (Jerry Wierwille)

How are you at handling conflict?  Do you withdraw and avoid conflict at any cost?  Do you rush in headlong, eager to set the other person straight?  Are you a compromiser who looks at everything like a contract where both parties inevitably have to make trade-offs to get some advantage?  As with so many really Read more about Interview 13: Caring Enough to Confront (Jerry Wierwille)[…]

Podcast 36: Intensified Conflict (Historical Jesus 12)

Historical Jesus 12: Intensified Conflict Once Jesus came into Jerusalem, his enemies threw “stumper questions” at him in an effort to discredit him before the populace.  Jesus ably diffused these theological bombs and lobbed his own in return.  He told parables about the religious leaders that infuriated them while delighting the crowds.  Coupled with his Read more about Podcast 36: Intensified Conflict (Historical Jesus 12)[…]

Podcast 34: Conflict (Historical Jesus 10)

Historical Jesus 10: Conflict From his birth to his untimely death, conflict dominated Jesus’ life.  During his ministry the Pharisees disagreed with Jesus about the Sabbath, purity, divorce, and his style of ministry.  Jesus called them out on pride, greed, and hypocrisy.  Looking at how Jesus handled conflict serves as an example to those of Read more about Podcast 34: Conflict (Historical Jesus 10)[…]

Conflict in Jesus’ Ministry

“Conflict plays a large part in the Gospel narratives of the ministry of Jesus…Jesus is shown in conflict with Satan (Mt 12:28)…with natural calamities likes storms…with mental illnesses…with religious leaders of his people…with the crowds he draws…with his family…with his disciples…and he is in conflict with his own instinctive clinging to life…when it comes in Read more about Conflict in Jesus’ Ministry[…]