Podcast 36: Intensified Conflict (Historical Jesus 12)

Historical Jesus 12: Intensified Conflict Once Jesus came into Jerusalem, his enemies threw “stumper questions” at him in an effort to discredit him before the populace.  Jesus ably diffused these theological bombs and lobbed his own in return.  He told parables about the religious leaders that infuriated them while delighting the crowds.  Coupled with his Read more about Podcast 36: Intensified Conflict (Historical Jesus 12)[…]

Podcast 35: Entering Jerusalem (Historical Jesus 11)

Historical Jesus 11: Entering Jerusalem When Jesus entered Jerusalem, it was not quietly, but triumphantly, riding a donkey while the crowds shout, “Hosanna!”  This moment brings to and end his “messianic secret” and publicly declares to everyone that he was claiming to be the Jewish Messiah.  His action in the temple further underlined this claim.  Read more about Podcast 35: Entering Jerusalem (Historical Jesus 11)[…]