403 Why Christianity 16: Changed Lives (Sean Finnegan)

This is the last episode of our class, Why Christianity.  We’ve covered so many different reasons why Christianity is attractive, makes sense, and is worthy of our attention.  We’ve looked at scientific, logical, epistemological, social, psychological, and historical reasons for God’s existence, Christ’s resurrection, and the gospel’s effectiveness.  Today, we consider three stories of changed Read more about 403 Why Christianity 16: Changed Lives (Sean Finnegan)[…]

Case for Christ Movie Nails It

The Case for Christ, a classic apologetics book that provides evidence for Jesus’ resurrection, is now a movie!  The film follows the lives of Lee and Leslie Strobel, a happily married non-religious couple in the Chicago area.  One night out a restaurant, their daughter begins choking on something and nearly dies.  However, at the last Read more about Case for Christ Movie Nails It[…]