Podcast 30: Rabbi Jesus (Historical Jesus 6)

Historical Jesus 6: Rabbi Jesus

Jesus was a Jewish rabbi who gathered disciples and taught them how to interpret the Torah–the sacred Scriptures of Moses.  Learn how Jesus’ compared to other famous Jewish rabbis like Hillel and Shamai.  In this episode, we’ll look at Jesus’ emphases and style in his teaching ministry.  Anyone seeking to understand the historical Jesus, cannot hope to genuinely grasp him apart from his role as rabbi.

Course notes are available here.

1 thought on “Podcast 30: Rabbi Jesus (Historical Jesus 6)

  • For a half a century I have listen to, and responded to missionary involvement to convert Jews to their faith, claiming that Jesus is the “Messiah”. OK; the Hebrew and Aramaic word, Moshiac, translate into English as “messenger”.
    Cyrus of Persia was called in the Tanach/Old Testament “The L-rd’s Moshaic”, because, he reinstalled the Autonomy of Judea/Israel to the Jews. He earned the acceptance for being a messenger for G-d, in that sense.
    As for the Moshiac that shall bring all He promised, in the last of the current periods of troubles, the job description is laid out. So far, no one has fulfilled it.
    For a fuller understanding, there are many fine Jewish sites. I like simpletoremember.org for it’s down to earth sharing of His way. Shalom.

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